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How to print user name dispatch management by delivery ?



Process to Print User Name Dispatch Management by Delivery

In order to print user name dispatch management by delivery then following steps needs to be followed:-

Go to Masters >> Marg Setups >> Self Format. (as shown below)

After clicking on SELF-FORMAT option then the password window will appear in which the user will enter the password and the default password is the REVERSE DATE of the Current Day for example: if current date is 14/11/2017 then the password is 20171114. (as shown below)

After entering the password, FORMATS window will appear in which the user has to select the INVOICE FORMAT whether GUI or DMP.

After selecting the format for example: - INVOICE FORMAT-GUI, the user will then select the AA format and click on the BILL FORMAT option.

After clicking on the BILL FORMAT option a window will appear in which the user has to select the HEADER option.

After clicking on the HEADER option, a CODING/COMMAND window will appear in which the user will select the command which is to be replaced with the COMPANY JURISDICTION. Select the command where area name command is to be enteredand then press F1 function key to search the command.

After pressing the F1 function key from the keyboard a window will appear in which search for the USER and then select the command of DISPATCH MANAGEMENT DELIVERY. Press ENTER key from the keyboard.

After selecting the command the user will press F3 function key from the keyboard to replace the command or to paste the command.

The user needs to press the CTRL+W from the keyboard to save the command.

After pressing CTRL+W from the keyboard the user will click on the SAVE button.

By following the above steps the USER NAME DISPATCH MANAGEMENT BY DELIVERY is printed in the bill as shown below.


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