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If ' Token Error ' appears while making Payment through ICICI Bank then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?



In Marg Software, if ' Token Error ' appears while making Payment through ICICI Bank then it can be resolved easily.

Note: Firstly the user needs to Update Banking Patch in Marg Software Folder.

  • Now the user will Log-In the ICICI Bank.

  • Go to Connected Banking > My Connected Banking Profile.

  • The user will click on 'My Connected Banking Profile'.

  • In 'My Profile', the user will click on Dropdown (as shown in below image).

  • Now select 'Token Generation'.

  • Click on 'Proceed for Token'.

  • The user can view Token Number will get generate with generation Date and its's Validity.

  • Now the user will mention the generated token number in 'Token' field'.

  • In 'Maker/Checker', the user will place check mark.

  • Now the user will click on 'Initialize Payment'.

  • The user will get the OTP on the registered Mobile Number with ICICI Bank.
  • Mention the OTP.

  • Now the user will click on 'Make Payment.

After following the above steps, the user can view ' Token Error ' will get resolved while making Payment through ICICI Bank in Marg Software.

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