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Home > Margerp > Imp Backup > If ' ZZZZ ' display in Company Name / Category / Salt / HSN Code of Item Master then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?

If ' ZZZZ ' display in Company Name / Category / Salt / HSN Code of Item Master then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?




This error appear if the Sale-Type file has been corrupted. It contains all details of Company Name Category, Salt and HSN Code master.


In order to recover SaleType File, the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • Firstly the user will ‘Right Click’ on Marg Icon created on Desktop and click on ‘Open File Location’.

  • Now the Data Base files of the software will appear.
  • The user will search the ‘Data’ folder and open it.

  • The user will search ‘Saletype’ file (Extension of the file should be as same as of the company).

  • Now, the user will rename the file.
  • Suppose mention ‘OLD’ after the ‘saletype01’ in file name (as shows in below image)

  • An alert of ‘Rename’ window will appear.
  • The user will click on ‘Yes’.

  • In order to recover the file the user needs to run the software. Right Click on Marg Icon and then ‘Run as administrator’

  • The ‘List of companies’ windows will appear.
  • The user will press ‘ESC’ key.

  • An ‘Exit’ window will appear.
  • In 'Sure to Quit', the user will select ‘Yes’.

  • A ‘Marg Backup’ window will appear.
  • Now the user will select ‘Backup’.

  • Now a 'Marg' window will appear with All the companies along with the financial year.
  • The user will select the Company with that extension of the financial year in which the user needs to recover data.

Note: The user will Press 'Spacebar' or Plus '+' key to select a particular company or Press Asterisk '*' to select All companies. 

  • Suppose select ‘Margerp Software – Accoun’

  • Now, the user will press ‘Enter key.

  • A ‘Marg’ window will appear where the user can view the path of backup wherever the Backups are save.

a. Self backup Path: If the user takes the backup manually, that path can be mentioned in this field.

Suppose the user takes the backup in E:\marg11\Data\Backup, so copy that path (as shown in below image) and paste it in self backup field.

b. Server Backup Path: In this option, the user will define that path where the user has taken the server backup, otherwise software will auto pick that path.

c. Carbon Copy Path: In this option, the user will define that path where the user has taken the Imp backup, otherwise software will auto pick that path.

d. Server Backup: In this option, the user will define that path where the user set the server backup, otherwise software will auto pick that path.

e. Protected Backup: In this option the user will set 1st/2nd as per the requirement.

Press 'Enter' key.

  • 'Backup Recover From' window will appear. 

  • The user will select backup file upto which date the software data was correct.
  • Suppose select backup of 29-10-2022 , 12:02:14 time .
  • Here, the user will press 'Enter' key.

An 'Attention Please' window will appear.

1. File Name: The Name of the recovering File will be show here i.e. ‘Saletype'

2. Files Reload: It will ask to reload file with two options:

a. Only This: With the help of this option only file which is corrupted will get recovered.

b. All Files: With the help of this option all the files will reload from the selected backup.

Suppose select 'Only This'.

  • Now, the user will type 'SURE'.

  • A ‘Backup Alert’ window will appear, the file restoring process will auto run (as shown below) and after finishing the file recover process the software will get auto closed.  

After following the above steps, the user can view that In Item Master Company Name,Category, Salt and Commodity will show correct.

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