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How to Restore IMP Backup in Marg Software?



Overview/Introduction to Restore IMP Backup in Marg ERP Software

Process to Restore IMP Backup in Marg ERP Software


  • Security of data is as important as its accuracy while using accounting software. It is necessary to ensure that the data remains secure for smooth working of organization.
  • The need to Restore Backup arises when the data gets corrupted. In such a case, if there is a backup of data, then it can be restored from the backup and the work can be continued without any hindrance.


  • Now, the user will open the Marg Select the Company.
  • Then an alert window will appear with one of the file is being corrupted.
  •  The user will recover this particular corrupted file from where the backup is being taken in case if any file is being corrupted
  • In order to recover this corrupted fileclick on 'Ok'.

  • Then press 'ESC' key  and click on 'Yes' to Exit from this window.

  • A 'Marg Backup' window will appear where the user will click on 'Backup'.

  • Then all the companies will appear along with the financial year.
  • Press 'Space Bar' key on that company in which user needs to restore the backup. Press 'Enter' key.

Note: The user will select particular Company by pressing 'Spacebar' key or press Asterisk '*' key to select All Companies.

  • Suppose select 'Marg Erp Ltd.'.

  • A window of 'Marg' will appear where the user can view the path of backup wherever the is IMP Backup is saved:
  • Self Backup Path: Its software saved default. This backup saved in the Marg folder under the data folder then under the 'Backup' folder.
  • Server Backup Path: This backup is saved/stored in 'C' drive.
  • Carbon Copy Path : At the the of taking IMP backup can view/change path of carbon copy backup.
  • Server Backup: Second backup of Server is saved on this path 

  • Keep pressing 'Enterkey on it.
  • A 'Backup Recover From' window will appear. Select backup file from which date the user needs to recover the backup .i.e Till which month the data was accurate.
  • Then press 'Enter' key on it.

An 'Attention Please' window will appear in which the File name is 'GLEDGER'.  it will ask to reload file with two options:

1. Only This: Select that option if the user wants to recover that file which is corrupted i.e. Reloads only the selected file.

2. All Files: Reloads all the files.

  • Suppose the user needs to Recover only corrupted data that's why  set 'Only This'.
  • Then type 'SURE'.

After following the above steps, the backup will get restored and after finishing the backup restore process the software will be auto closed.  

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