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How to resolve Internal Audit Mismatch Error in Marg Software ?



Overview Of Internal Audit-GSTR Mismatch in Marg Software

Process of Internal Audit-GSTR Mismatch in Marg Software


Marg has updated in its latest Series C Version and GST Patch a very strong option 'Internal Audit'. Internal Audit checks all the GST Return errors and before uploading there is a validation tool developed which will show all the errors. Internal Audit plays an important role in minimizing the risk and helping to achieve objectives of businessmen by indicating all the errors that exists in the invoices.

Internal Audit is capable to inform the user that 99% GST Return errors and also advice them how to rectify the errors and then Resave the bills. The main aim of Internal Audit is to verify the correctness of information provided and to assess the compliance with GST.


Before filing GSTR-1, the user must ensure that there are no errors in any of the invoices.

  • Go to Gst > Internal Audit > GST Return Errors.

  • A 'Transaction Mismatch' window will appear.
  • The user will enter the dates from which date till which date invoices needs to be audit.
  • Suppose mention '01-04-2017' to '31-04-2017'.

  • An 'Intenal Audit -> Transaction Mismatch' window will appear.
  • The user can view all the invoices that contain errors.
  • At the side of the Software, the user can view the type of errors which are there in the invoices.

Types of Errors:

a. Ignorable Errors: This type of errors can be ignored.

b. Correct with Re-saving: This means that the user needs to just simply resave those invoices that contains errors as specified here. The errors in the invoices will automatically get corrected once resaved.

c. Manual Correction Required: These are those errors which need to be corrected manually.

The user will press 'F10' key if the user needs to view the details i.e. how the to correct these errors (indicating in Purple Color).

a. Ignorable Errors:

  • The user will press 'Delete' key to remove ignorable error.
  • A 'Delete' window will appear and select 'Ignorable Errors'.

  • In 'Delete Single record', Only that particular invoice gets deleted which is currently being selected.

  • In 'Delete Same Errors', all the invoices with same errors which is currenlty selected will get deleted. 

  • All the ignoreable error will get removed.

b. Correct with Re-saving:

  • The user will press '*' key to select all bill and press 'F6' key
  • An 'Audit Report' window willl appear and enter on 'Re-save bills'

  • All bills will get Re-saved and the errors will also get corrected automatically.

c. Manual Correction:

Suppose there are 2 bills whose Tax mismatch exists in SGST & CGST. 

  • The user will press 'F7' key.
  • A window will appear select 'SGST/CGST Tax Difference'.

  • The user can view Bills with 'SGST/CGST Tax Difference' error will gets displayed.

  • The user will press 'Enter' key on the particular bill to open the bill.

  • Now, suppose Tax mismatch error of SGST and CGST in this invoice.
  • The user will Load Tax in the particular bill.

  • Now press 'Ctrl+W' key and click on 'Yes' to save changes.
  • Similarly the user will load tax in other bills also those have tax mismatch error.

  • Now again, go to Gst > Internal Audit > GST Return Errors.

  • The user can view 'No Mismatch Found' alert showing.

After following the above steps, the user can resolve Internal Audit Mismatch error in Marg Software.

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