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What is the process of Floor Wise Billing in Marg Software ?



Overview Of Floor Wise Billing In Marg Software

Process To Enable Floor Wise Billing In Marg Software

Process To Set Floor Wise Store In Marg Software

Process To Create Floor Wise Sale Bill In Marg Software


  • Floor-wise Billing is a beneficial option in Marg ERP Software for users who deal in multiple brands like Cadbury, Parle, Nestle, etc., and maintain these products in various sections on different floors.
  • This option enables the user to easily generate one bill of items from different floors and that bill will be automatically bifurcated floor-wise. Then, the user can easily collect the goods and dispatch them.


  • Go to Masters > Marg Setups > Control Room.

  • A 'Control Room' window will appear.
  • The user will select ‘Search in all’.

  • A 'Controls' window will appear in which the user will search 'Auto Generate'.
  • Now click on ‘Accept’.

  • An 'Auto Generate' window will appear.
  • In ‘Auto Generate Different Bills for Company/Tax/Item ’ to generate bills based on different options, the user will enter '#7%'.

In ‘Generate for All or Split only if Items >=’, the user will select the options as per the requirement.

1. A: Select the option if the user wants to generate one bill for all items.

2. S: Select the option if the user wants the bill should be split after 5 items or 10 items or the bill should be separated.

If select ‘S’ then enter the number i.e. after how many items the user wants to split the bill.

Suppose select ‘A’.

In ‘Ask before Generate Default-Y- Single S-Separate N-No’, the user will select the options as per the requirement.

1. Y: Select the option if the user wants software should default select Single Bill.

2. S: Select the option if the user wants software should default select Separate Bill.

Suppose select 'Y' for Single Bill.

In ‘Generate for all I-Issued S-Sales & S/Returns L-Sale’, the user will select the options as per the requirement.

1. I-Issue: Select the option if the user needs Floor-wise Billing only for Issue.

2. S-Sales & S/Returns: Select the option if the user needs Floor-wise Billing for Sale and Sale Return.

3. L-Sale: Select the option if the user needs Floor-wise Billing only for Sale.

Suppose select ‘I’.

In ‘Generate only for Invoice/Challans/Both’, the user will select the options as per the requirement.

1. I-Invoice: Select the option if the user needs Floor-wise Billing only for Invoices.

2. C-Challan: Select the option if the user needs Floor-wise Billing for Challans.

3. B-Both: Select the option if the user needs Floor-wise Billing for both Invoices and Challans.

Suppose select ‘B’.

  • In ‘Generate Different Bills on the Bases of C- Company A-Main Company T-Tax% E-Exempted M-Mrp Gst R-Return N-Item Numbers S-Salt G-Cateogary K-Rack U-Manufacturer O-Store F-Floor’, the user will select on which basis the bills needs to be generated.
  • Suppose select ‘F’.

  • The user will now press 'ESC' key twice.


  • Now, go to Masters > Inventory Master > Floor wise Store Room.

  • A 'Floor wise Store Room' window will appear.
  • The user will mention how many store rooms are on which floor.
  • Suppose there are 3 store rooms on 1st Floor, then the user will enter '1' and '3' respectively.

  • Similarly, there are 2 store rooms on 2nd Floor so the user will mention '4' and '6'.

  • Keep pressing 'Enter' key and an alert of ‘Updated Successfully’ will appear.
  • Click on ‘Ok’.

  • Now go to Masters > Inventory Master > Company Master.
  • Here, the user will define which company’s item is in which store.

  • A 'Company' window will appear.
  • The user will press 'Enter' key on the selected company as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select ‘Micromax’.

  • A 'Modify Company' window will appear.
  • In ‘Store Room no.’, the user will enter the store room number in which the products of this company are stored.
  • Suppose enter '1'.

  • Now, the user will press 'PageDown' key.

  • A 'Save Changes' window will appear.
  • Click on ‘Yes’ to save the changes.

  • Similarly, the user will select another company from the Company window.
  • Suppose select ‘Nokia’.

  • A 'Modify Company' window will appear.
  • In ‘Store Room no.’, the user will enter the store room number in which the products of this company are stored.
  • Suppose enter '4' and save the details.


  • Go to Transactions > Sale > Retail: Bill.

  • A 'Sale Entry' window will appear.
  • The user will now enter the Name, Address, and Remark as per the requirement.

  • An 'Items' window will appear.
  • The user will now select items on different floors.
  • Suppose select ‘Micromax X1’ which is an item of Floor 1.

  • The user will now enter its quantity.
  • Suppose mention '1'.

  • Similarly, the user will select another item from Floor 1.
  • Suppose select ‘Samsung Battery’.

  • The user will now enter its quantity.
  • Suppose enter '1'.

  • Then, the user will select another item on Floor 2.
  • Suppose select ‘Nokia BH 108’.

  • The user will now enter its quantity.
  • Suppose enter '2'.

  • The user will now press 'Tab' key.

  • A 'Save Changes' window will appear.
  • The user will click on ‘Yes’ to save the bill.

  • An 'Auto Generate Bills' window will appear.
  • The user can view that the software displays 2 items on 1 floor and 1 items on 2 floor.
  • The default selection is on '1 Single Bill'.

  • The user will select whether to generate a floor-wise Single Bill or a Separate Bill.
  • Suppose select ‘2 Separate Bill’.

  • The user can view that the bill is generated for Floor 1.

  • Press 'ESC' key.
  • Now, the bill is generated for Floor 2.


  • Go to Transactions > Sale > Modify Bill.

  • A 'Sale As On' window will appear.
  • The user can view floor-wise separated bills generated.

  • View of Floor 1 Bill.

  • View of Floor 2 Bill.

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