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How to Add and Change HSN / SAC Code in Item Master in Marg Software ?


  • Go to Masters > Inventory Master > Item Master. Press 'Enter' key.

  • An 'Items' window will appear.
  • The user will  select the item & press 'F3' key on selected item.
  • Suppose select 'Amifru  40'.

  • A 'Modify product' window will appear.
  • In 'HSN/SAC' the user will select 'No'.

  • A 'Select HSN/SAC' window will appear.
  • Press 'Enter' key on selected HSN/SAC code.
  • Suppose select '123-(6+6+12)'.

  • Then press ‘Ctrl+W’ key to save the changes.

  • Now, click on ‘Yes’ button to save the changes.

 After following the above steps, the user can Add or Change HSN /SAC code in Item Master in Marg Software.


1. Go to Master > Ease Of GST Adoption > Item GST % Hsn/Sac/Rates Updation.

2. An 'Item GST % Hsn/Sac/Rates Updation' window will appear. Select the options as per the requirement.

3. Click on 'Accept'.

4. An 'Item wise HSN/SAC' window will appear.

5. The user will press 'Enter' key on the particular item whose HSN/SAC needs to be change.

6. A 'HSN/SAC' window will appear. The user will select the HSN/SAC which needs to update or Add in item.

7. A Marg ERP 9+ alert of 'Tax Mismatch' will appear, click on 'Ok'.

8. A 'Tax%' window will appear. Press 'PageDown' key.

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