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How to print Batch wise Barcode in Marg software ?



1. Go to Masters > Inventory master > Item master. Press Enter.

2. An Items window will appear. Select item and then press 'F4' function key on selected item.

3. Select Batch detail.

4. Selected item all batches will display where the user will press plus(+) key on selected batch.

5. A Print window will appear in which user will click on 'Barcode' tab.

6. Then a Barcode printing window will appear. In 'Format', the user will select barcode format from the drop down.

7. In 'Show only', the user will select "All".

8. Then press page down key.

9. A Barcode printing window will appear in which user will press enter and then mentioned how many barcode user wants to print.

10. Now, press Ctrl+W and then click on Print to print barcode.

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