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What is Loss on Bill and how to Implement it in Marg Software ?



Overview & Introduction in Marg ERP Software 

Process of Implementation of Loss on Bill in Marg ERP Software


Marg Software has developed an advanced feature 'Loss on Bill Indication. With the help of this beneficial feature, the user can get to know that whether any losses are being occurred or not to the user according to the delivery and costing.


  • Firstly, the user will activate Loss on Bill in Marg ERP Software. For that go to Masters > Marg Setups > Control Room.

  • A 'Control Room' window will appear.
  • The user will select ‘Search in all’.

  • A 'Controls' window will appear in which the user will Search 'Loss on Bill'.
  • Now click on ‘Accept’.

'Loss on Bill' window will appear with different options as shown below:

Loss on Bill Ask for 1-Add items, 2-Always show and 3- Not required: If the user needs that the software must indicate about the losses while generating the bill then select '1' Add items.

If the user needs that the software must indicate about both profit and losses while generating the bill then select '2' Always Show.

Per Bill Expense i.e. Total Expenses/No of Bills in a Month: It means that in order to calculate the expenses per bill, the user will divide the total bills generated last/in a month with the total no of expenses done. Through this the user will also get the delivery charge which is approx. Rs. 15 to Rs. 20 and it varies area to area. In Marg Software, it is already been shown as Rs. 15.

Per Bill Profit: It means that how much profit the user requires on per bill. For example, expenses are occurred as Rs. 15 on per bill and profit required is Rs. 10 then the user will enter Rs. 10 in this option to avail the profit. In Marg Software, it is already been shown as Rs. 10 and it can be changed accordingly.

Work in W-Whole Sale R-Retail B-Both: This means that whether the user needs that this option should work in Wholesale, Retail or both which can be set accordingly.  

  • Now, press 'ESC' key.

  • Now click on ‘Yes’ to save the changes.


  • Now in order to create a Sale Bill, go to Transactions > Sale > Bill.

  • The user will select Ledger as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'Ahuja Medicine Centre'.

  • The user will select the Item as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'Acnederm Lot'.

  • Now press 'Tab' key in order to save the bill.

An 'Alert!' window will appear where it is shows:

Item Value (Rs. 30)

Item Cost (Rs. 24.24)

Bill Expense (Rs. 15) i.e. the expense which is being set on every bill

Bill Margin (Rs. 10) i.e. the profit which is being set on every bill

Bill in Loss: It indicates that this particular bill is being generated in Loss i.e. Rs. 19.24

  • In order to stop this bill to go in loss then the user can try to convince the customer to purchase 2 or more items.  So, in order to add any items, click on 'Add More Items'.

  • If the user doesn’t require to add more items then select 'Save Bill' in order to save the bill.
  • Suppose select 'Add More Items'.
  • Then Select the item as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'Amifru 40'

  • Now the user will Add More Item with more qty i.e. '2' in Bill.

  • Then press 'Tab' Key. The user can view that an alert window is not shown not which means that the bill is being created in profit.
  • So, in this way if the bill value is less than the expense or profit as set by the user then the software will indicate that the bill is creating in loss.
  • Now click on 'Yes' to Save the Bill. 

  • Then again the user will go to Control Room i.e. Masters >> Marg Setups >> Control Room. Search for 'Loss on Bill'.
  • As it is seen if the user set here 1 (Add Items) and then press 'TAB' key to save the bill then an alert window is shown in order to add more items if that particular bill is being creating in loss.
  • Now, if the user will set '2' (Always Show) and save it.

  • Now again create a Sale Bill. Go to Master > Sale > Bill.

  • The user will select Ledger as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'Ahuja Medicine Centre'.

  • While creating the sale bill the user will see that it is showing 'Add More 25' i.e. it will automatically indicate the user that the cost of the item + Rs. 25 should be less than the Bill Value.

  • The user will now select the Item and enter the quantity.
  • Suppose select 'Acnederm Lot' with qty '25'

  • Now, it is shown 'Add More 15.45' i.e. the user needs to add this particular amount of the item for creating the bill in profit.
  • So, the user will again enter the item and then quantity.
  • Suppose select 'Aamifru 40' with qty '3'.

  • Now it shows 'Save Bill' i.e. the bill is now being created in profit and the user can now 'Save the bill'. 

  • The user will press 'Ctrl+W' key to save the Bill.
  • Select 'Save' to save the Bill.

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