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How to delete Item Group in Marg Software ?



In Marg ERP Software, the user can only delete that Group which does not contain any item . However, if user needs to delete the group having item then firstly user needs to delete the group from the item and only after that it can be deleted.

  • Go to Masters > Inventory Master > Group Master. Press Enter.

  • A Group window will appear.
  • The user needs to select that group which the needs to be deleted and press 'Delete' key on it.
  • Suppose, Select "E.Remark Ltd."

Note: The user can only delete those Groups which does not contain any item.

  • Then an alert of 'Are you sure Want to delete ?' window will appear. Click on 'Yes' to delete group.

  • Thereafter a Delete Group window will appear. Click on 'Delete' button to delete group.

After following the above steps,  the selected group will get deleted and software displays a pop- up message 'Group Deleted'.

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