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If Tax does not calculate as per the percentage defined in item master while billing then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?




1. Enable Rate wise GST.

2. Different tax rate entered at the time of billing in item levies window.

In order to resolve this issue, the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • Go to Masters > Rate & Discount Master > Company Special > Rate wise Company Wise GST.

  • A 'Rate Wise Company Wise Gst As On' window will appear.
  • The user will Press 'Delete' key on selected Company in which item billing tax is not applying properly.

  • Then the user will press 'ESC' key.

  • In 'Sure To Quit' window , the user will select 'Yes'.

After following the above steps, the software will apply tax as per the percentage defined in the item master.


1. Go to Translations > Sale > Bill(Alt+N).

2. A 'Sale Entry' window will appear.Enter the date as per the requirement.

3. A 'Ledgers' window will appear.Press 'Enter' on the selected ledger.

4. Now, press 'Enterto select the items.An 'Items' window will appear.Select the Item and press 'Enteron it.

5. A 'Batch Selection' window will appear. Press 'Enteron the selected batch. 

6. Enter the Qty as per the requirement.Press 'F2' key.

7. An 'Item Levies' window will appear.In 'CGST% / SGST%' user will change % as per the requirement.

8. Press 'PageDown' key.

9. Then user will press 'Ctrl+W' to save the bill.


Cause : This issue appears when user has selected Sale type as 'LP GST-12%,18%,28%'.

In order to resolve this issue, the user needs to follow the below steps:

1. Go to Translations > Sale > Bill(Alt+N).

2. A 'Sale Entry' window will appear.Enter the date as per the requirement.

3. A 'Ledgers' window will appear. Press 'Enter' key on the selected ledger.

4. In 'Type', the user will Press 'Spacebar' or 'F2' key.

5. A 'Sales Type' window will appear. The user will select 'Local/Central' as per the requirement.

After following the above steps, when user will load item in bill then it will apply proper tax while billing.

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