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What is the process of Drug and Food License in Marg Software ?



Overview of Drug & Food License in Marg ERP Software

Process of Drug & Food License in Marg ERP Software


  • Drug License and Food License is mandatory for those distributors who deal in drug and food license products.
  • There are some products for which food license is mandatory to be taken and which cannot be sold without the food license i.e. the food license is mandatory to sell those products.
  • Similarly drug license is mandatory to be taken to sell the medicines i.e. without having a drug license, the medicines cannot be sold. 
    1. If the parties with whom the user deal with if in case they do not have a drug license or food license then it gets difficult to know the parties who don’t have drug license or food license and also which of the products needs to be sold or not to the parties.
    2. Suppose a distributor has appointed the operators who take orders on phone by retailers and do the process of billing. It might be possible that those retailers who give orders out of which some may only have drug license number and some may have only food license number or there could be a possibility that they don’t have any of the licenses with them.
    3. Like, the retailer who have the food license number and calls to place order to provide FMCG products to them and along with it also add Crocin, Paracetamol , Amifru and then do the billing.
    4. Then in this case, the operator has also sold the pharmaceutical products along with the FMCG products as the operator was not aware that the party who was giving the order whether they have a drug license number or not.
    5. Apart from this when the party gives the order then at the time of billing the operator need to firstly check it manually that whether this party has a license number or not and to do this whole process requires at least 10 to 15 minutes on each and every call due to which it hampers the sales .
    6. So, Marg ERP has provided a provision in the software for mapping the parties (Party wise, Company wise and Item wise) with the product of those companies who have drug license number or food license number or both and then the products of those companies will be sold to only those parties who have the license number.
    7. In Marg ERP Software, while doing billing of the party which doesn’t have drug license or food license then the software will indicate and stop the billing of that party as it is mandatory for that party to have a license.
    8. This will save a lot of time and the sales will also get increased.



  • Go to Masters >> Marg Setups >> Control Room.

  • A Control Room window will appear.
  • The user will select ‘Search in All’. Press Enter.

  • Then search ‘Drug Licence’ and click on ‘Accept’ tab.

  • A ‘Drug Licence’ window will appear with different fields:
  • In ‘Party Y-Drug F-Food B-Both C-Company wise Licence Required’ option, if the user will select here ‘Y’ means can set here Party wise i.e. the user can sell the product of Pharmaceutical companies to only those parties who have the drug licence number in their ledger.
  • If the user will select ‘F’ means the user can sell the product of FMCG companies to only those parties who have the food licence number in their ledger.
  • If the user will select ‘B’ means the user can sell the product of both Pharmaceutical and FMCG companies to those parties who have both drug licence number and food licence number in their ledger.
  • Similarly, if the user will select ‘C’ then can set Company wise that whether the product of that particular company is of Drug License or of Food License or Both.
  • Suppose, select ‘C’ here.
  • Apart from it in ‘Item Wise Party Y-Drug F-Food B-Both Licence required’ option, if the user wants then can also set Item Wise here.
  • Like for now the user will set Company Wise here.

  • Press ‘Escape’ key on it.

  • Then click on 'Yes' to save the changes.

  • Now go to Masters >> Inventory Master >> Company Master.

  • A ‘Company’ window will appear.
  • The user will set Company Wise here that the particular company’s product is of Drug licence or of Food license or of both.
  • Suppose, press F3 key on E Merk Pvt. Ltd.

  • A ‘Modify Company’ window will appear.
  • In ‘Licence required’, field the user will select that whether the product of this particular company is of Food license or of Drug license or of both.
  • If this company sells both the type of the products then select ‘No’ from here.
  • For now select ‘Drug’ and save it by pressing the ‘Page Down’ key.

  • Then click on 'Yes' to save the changes.

  • Similarly the user will press F3 key on ‘Elder India’ Company and from ‘Licence required’ option, select ‘Food’. 

Fig. 1.2 View of Company Window in Marg ERP Software

Fig. 1.3 View of Modify Company Window in Marg ERP Software

  • So in this way the companies which deal in Pharmaceutical, the user will set the ‘Drug’ option for them and then the product of that companies will only go to those who have the drug licence number.
  • And similarly the companies which deal in FMCG, the user will set ‘Food’ option for them then the items of that company will only go to those who have the Food license no.
  • In this way the user will set Company Wise.
  • Now when the user will generate the sale bill and select the ledger like for example ‘Saluja Medicine Centre’ party has only the Drug licence number.
  • So, the user will press F3 key on this party.

  • Select the ‘Ledger Detail’ option.

  • The user can view that this party has only the Drug Licence number.

  • Now if the user will select here the items of ‘E Merk Pvt. Ltd.’ Company, then can view that the software is allowing the user to generate the bill.

  • Then the item will load into sale bill.

  • But if the user will select the items of ‘Elder India’ company, then can view that the software has given an indication that this party does not have the Food license number i.e. the user is not allowed to sell the products of ‘Elder India’ company to this party.

Fig. 1.3 Process to Generate the Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

So in this way the software will indicate that to which party the user needs to sell the Pharmaceutical products, to which party the product of FMCG companies needs to be sold and to which parties both Pharmaceutical and FMCG company products needs to be sold. 

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