Home > Margerp > Inventory > How to Index Item while saving and Print Sale / Purchase Order in Marg Software ?
An 'Index' window will appear.
In 'Purchase & Sales Order', option the user will select the option as per the requirement.
a. N-Entry: Select the option if needs to index item on Entry Base.
b. C-Code: Select the option if needs to index item on Code Base.
c. G-Barcode: Select the option if needs to index item Barcode wise.
d. Y-Store Room: Select the option if needs to index item on Store Room wise.
e. F-Floor+Store Room: Select the option if needs to index item on Floor and Store Room wise.
f. I-Item: Select the option if needs to index item Alphabetically.
g. P-Company: Select the option if needs to index item Company wise.
h. T-Tax: Select the option if needs to index item Tax wise.
i. D-Discount: Select the option if needs to index item Discount wise.
j. U-Unit: Select the option if needs to index item Unit wise.
k. H-Challan: Select the option if needs to index item as in the Challan.
l. S-Salt: Select the option if needs to index item Salt wise.
m. A-Category: Select the option if needs to index item Category wise.
n. R-Rack: Select the option if needs to index item Rack wise.
o. M-Remark: Select the option if needs to index item Remark wise.
p. E-Mfr: Select the option if needs to index item Manufacturing wise.
q. O-Store: Select the option if needs to index item Store wise.
r. m-Small Remark: Select the option if needs to index item small remark wise.
s. 1-Sch. h1/Narco: Select the option if needs to index item Schedule H1/Narcotic wise.
t. B-Set of Bundle/Item: Select the option if needs to index item Set of Bundle/Item wise.
Suppose select 'I'.
Fig.1 View of Sale Order after saving.
Fig.2 View of Sale Order Print Preview.
After following the above steps, the user can Index Item while Saving or Print Sale / Purchase order in Marg Software.