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How to set Near Expiry Days of Items in Marg Software?



Go on masters → marg setups → control room→ (search for ‘near expiry days’) → (go on the option ‘near expiry days = expiry - current days > = days’ & ‘calculate 1- from current date 2- after near expiry days’)
Explanation with example:
Near expiry days = expiry - current date >= days
Suppose there is an item crocin which is going to expire on 01-10-16. And I have set 10 in this option. So software will consider crocin item as near expiry from 10 days before the expiry date.Means from 21-09-16, the software will consider crocin as near expiry.
So expiry date is = 01-10-16 and near expiry date is from = 21-09-16)
Calculate 1-from current date
If we set this to 1 then from near expiry days sw will start indicating that this item is going to expire.  Means from 21-09-16 to 30-09-16 . The software will indicate near expiry for crocin item.
After near expiry date

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