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How to mention the Dump days of product in Marg Software ?



With the help of Marg ERP software, the user can easily define days after which the software will consider that stock into dump stock (if no sale has been made of the particular product in particular time period). 

In order to do know the process, the user will follow the below steps:

  • Firstly, Go to Masters >> Marg Setups >> Control Room. Press Enter.

  • A 'Control Room' window will appear.
  • The user will select ‘Search in all’. Press Enter.

  • A 'Controls' window will appear in which the user will Search “Dump Days”.
  • Now click on ‘Accept’.

  • A 'Dump Days' window will appear.
  • In 'Dump Days = If Purchase Date-Current Date >= Days' option, the user will mention the number of days after which the software will consider the stock into dump stock.
  • Suppose mention '60'.

  • The user will now press 'Esc' key twice.

  • Now click on ‘Yes’ to save the changes.

After following the above steps, the software will consider that stock (which has not been sold from 60 days) into the dump stock .

In order to view the Dump Stock Report, Please click on given link  shorturl.at/joGNO

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