Home > Margerp > Inventory > How to disable ask Original for Buyer / Duplicate for Transporter / Triplicate for assesses at the time of Bill Printing in Marg Software?
Process to Disable ask Original for Buyer Duplicate for Transporter Triplicate for assesses at the time of printing
Overview: In Marg ERP software, the invoice can be printed for four different parties (i.e.1st copy is “Original for Buyer”, 2nd copy is "Duplicate for Transporter" and 3rd copy is"Triplicate for Assesses” etc...At the time of bill print user can set this option but if user wants to Disable this option then for that follow the given steps:
By following the above steps the user can Disable “ask Original for Buyer Duplicate For Transporter Triplicate for assesses at the time of printing”.