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If Party GST No. does not print while bill printing in Marg Software ?




This issue appears due to user has to selected Sundry debtor(E-Commerce) as a group in party details.


In order to resolve this issue user needs to change the group of selected party by following the below steps:

1. Go to Books > All ledgers.

2. A Ledger accounts window will appear. Select that party whose GST No. is not printing and then press 'F3' on it.

3. Then Select Ledger detail.

4. Click on Modify button.

5. A modify ledger window will appear. In 'Account Group' option, the user will select "No".

6. In next window user will select Sundry Debtors.

7. Then press 'Ctrl+W' to save the changes.

After following the above steps, the party GST No. will get printed.

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