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How to view Capital Account Report in Marg Software ?


  • Go to Final Reports > IT-ST-Auditor Reports > Capital Accounts.

  • A 'Capital Account' window will appear.
  • The user will press 'Alt+P' key.

A 'Trial Printing' window will appear.

a. Without Opening: The user will select 'Yes' to view capital account details without opening.

b. A/C Group Wise: The user will select 'Yes' to view details account group wise.

c. Print Due Details: The user will select 'Yes' to view report with due details.

d. Outstanding Details: The user will select 'Yes' to view report with outstanding details.

e. Contact-Y/Address/No: The user will select 'Yes' to view report with contact & address details.

f. Debtor Merge: The user will select 'Y' to view merge debtor balance report.

Click on 'View/Print/Excel' as per the requirement.

Suppose click on 'View'.

After following the above steps, the user can view that the Capital Account Report will get generated in Marg Software.

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