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How to convert Wrong or Negative Debtors into Creditors in Marg Software ?



Debtors are those parties to whom the goods has been sold. In Accounting Nature Debtors are of Debit Nature. In Marg Software the user has Provision to convert the Debtors with Credit Balance into Creditor. 

With the help of Marg Software, the user can Convert Wrong Debtor or Debtors with Credit Balance into Creditors.

Suppose 'Chirag Traders' is a Debtor with credit balance '1000'.

Fig 1. View of Debtor Ledger window.

Fig 2. View of Debtor with Credit Balance .

In order to convert Wrong or Negative Debtors into Creditors, the user must follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Go to Final Reports > IT-ST-Auditor Reports Convert Wrong Debtors/Creditors.

  • A 'Convert in Proper A/c' window will appear.
  • The user will select 'Convert Negative Debtors To'.

  • The 'Shift Under Group' window will appear.
  • The user will select 'Sundry Creditors' .

  • Now, a 'Party Shifted Properly!' pop up will appear.

After following the above steps, the Wrong Debtor or Debtor with Credit Balance will get Converted into Creditor in Marg Software.

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