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How to adjust Sale order with the sale bill in Marg Software ?



In Marg ERP Software, the user can adjust the sale order with the sale bill as per the requirement. The user can also adjust the advance amount at the time of creating bill.

Suppose, we have created a Sale order for Sanjay and wants to adjust it in the sale bill.

In order to adjust sale order with the sale bill, the user will follow the below steps:

  • Go to Transactions > Sale > Bill.

  • A Sale entry window will appear. Select party whose sale order needs to be adjusted.
  • Suppose, select 'Sanjay'.

  • Then select that item which was selected in the sale order.

  • Select batch of the item.

  • Thereafter a description window will appear. In 'Sale order' option, the user will mention the sale order number which needs to be adjusted.
  • Suppose, enter 'OS000002'. Press Enter.

  • Now the user can view details of the sale order i.e. Advance and Rate of the item.

  • Then mention Rate of the item beside the rate option as per the requirement or same as sale order.

  • Press Page down.

  • Then press 'Tab' key on it.

  • Now the Advance amount will get adjusted.

  • Press Space bar to select Ledger of Advance.

  • Then select ledger of Advance. If you have not made the advanced leader, then press 'F2' and create the advanced ledger under the group of Cash in Hand.

Enter the amount.

  • Now press 'F10' function key.

  • Then click on 'Yes' to save the bill.

After following the above steps, the user adjust the sale order with the sale bill in Marg Software.

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