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How to resolve alert of ‘Ledger Shifted to Registered’ although Unregistered has been selected in the ledger ?



In Marg ERP Software,if at the time of then this issue can be resolved.

This issue appears due to the user having to enter GST No. of the party, in order to resolve this issue the user needs to remove the GST No. of Un- Registered party.  

In order to remove GST No from the party ledger, the user will follow the below steps:

  • Firstly, Go to Master > Ledger Master > Ledger > Modify Ledger.

  • A Ledger Alteration window will appear in which user will select ledger and then press Enter on it.

  • In next window, the user will select Ledger Detail.

  • A Modify Ledger window will appear in which the user will select Modify.

  • Now, the user will remove the GST No. from the GSTIN field.

Then press Ctrl+W to save the changes.

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