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How to feed Drug licence (D.L.) number of a particular party in Marg Software?



In order to feed Drug Licence number (D.L. No.) of a particular party, the user will follow the below steps:

  • Go to Books >> All Ledgers.

  • A 'Ledger Accounts' window will appear.
  • Select the party whose D.L. No. needs to be entered.
  • Suppose select 'Aakash'.
  • Press 'F3' key on it.

    • Select 'Ledger Detail'.

    • A 'Modify ledger' window will appear
    • Click on 'Modify'.

    • In 'D.L. No.' optionthe user will enter the D.L. No. of the party.

    • Then press 'Ctrl+W' to save the details.

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