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How to Create New Sale Type in Marg ERP Software ?



Overview of Sales Type in Marg ERP Software

Process to Create Sales Type in Marg ERP Software

Process to select New Sale Type in Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

Overview of Sales Type in Marg ERP Software

  • Sales Type is the classification of sales as per the tax system applicable to that sale, like Local or Central and percentage of sales tax charged.
  • It creates Sales Type in which the user can set one fix tax% due to which there will be no need to enter tax on each item one by one individually.
  • This saves the user’s time and tax will also get matched altogether and there will be no need to update the items as Sales Type works on Bill.

Process to Create Sales Type In Marg ERP Software

  • Firstly, Go to Masters > Ledger Master > Sale > New Sale.

The user will select the below options as per the requirement.

a. Sales Type: The user will select Local/Central based on the location of the buyer party.

Suppose select 'Local'.

b. SGST: The user will enter the State tax percentage that is required to be charged.

Suppose, mention 5%.

c. CGST: The user will enter the Central tax percentage that is required to be charged.

Suppose, mention 5%.

d. Shortcut Name: The user can change the Shortcut name as per the requirement.

e. Sale Under: The user will select the Sales Group as per the requirement.

Suppose to create Sales Type for Local, then select ‘Local Sales’.

f. Sale Ledger Name: This will also be picked up automatically by the software.

g. SGST Under: The software will automatically pick 'SGST Under'.

h. SGST Ledger: 'SGST Ledger' will be picked up automatically by the software.

i. CGST Under: This would be automatically picked up by the software.

j. CGST Ledger: This would be automatically picked up by the software.

k. S.T. Form: There are a few kinds of forms that are applicable and placed when the goods are imported. Such forms are government required. In S.T. Form, the user can choose the type of form.

Suppose to create a new form, the user will press 'F2' key and in case of Sale Local, the user can leave this option blank.

Click on 'Accept' button.

Process to select New Sale Type in Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

  • Go to Transactions > Sale > Bill.

  • The user will enter the date and ledger as per the requirement.

  • Press 'Spacebar' key in Type option.

  • The user will select the tax percentage that the user wants to charge
  • Suppose, select 'LS-GST 10%' and press 'Enter' key.

  • The user will select the Item as per the requirement.
  • Click on 'OK' button.

After following the above steps, the user can Create and Load New Sales Type in Marg ERP Software.

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