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How to delete Ledger in Marg software ?


  • Go to Masters > Ledger Master > Delete Ledger.

  • 'Ledger Alteration' window will appear.
  • The user will select the ledger which needs to be deleted.
  • Supppose select 'Bank' and press 'Enter' key on it.

  • A 'Delete ledger' window will appear.
  • The user will select 'Delete'.

Note: The user will only be able to Delete those Ledgers for which any transaction is not created in a particular financial year.

  • 'Delete This Ledger' window will appear.
  • The user will click on 'Yes' to delete the ledger.

After following the above steps, the user can delete Ledger in Marg Software.


1. Firstly, the user will press 'Ctrl+L' key on main screen of the software.          

2. A 'Ledger Accounts' window will appear. Select ledger which user needs to delete then press 'Ctrl+G' key on it.

3. Thereafter a 'Delete Ledger' window will appear. Click on 'Delete' tab.

4. An alert of 'Be careful!' will appear in order to delete ledger user needs to click on 'Yes'.



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