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How to change Station of Selected Party in Marg Software?



In order to change party station for party , the user needs to follow the below steps:-

  • Go to Masters >> Ledger Master >> Ledger >> Modify Ledger.

  • A 'Ledger Alteration' window will appear on which user will press 'Enter' key on ledger in which user needs change station.
  • Suppose user select 'Ahuja Medicine Centre'.

  • In Next windowselect the 'Ledger Detail' option.

  • A 'Modify Ledger' window will appear in which the user will click on the 'Modify' button.

  • In 'Station' option user needs to select 'No'.

  • A 'Station Selection' window will appear in which the user will select the station by pressing 'Enter'
  • Suppose user select 'Shalimar'.

  • The user will press the 'Ctrl+W' to save the changes

After following the above steps the user can change party station for the selected party.


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