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How to create M.R ( Salesman ) Ledger in Marg ERP Software ?



Overview of M.R (Salesman) in Marg ERP Software

Process to Create M.R/Salesman in Marg ERP Software

Process to Set M.R in Parties In Marg ERP Software

Overview of M.R (Salesman) in Marg ERP Software

  • A MR (Marketing Representative) is a person who is engaged in selling the products and collecting the payments on behalf of a company.
  • In Marg ERP Software, the user can easily create MR/Salesman and maintain its record.

Process To Create M.R/Salesman In Marg ERP Software

  • Go to Masters > Ledger Master > Ledger > New Ledger.

  • The user will select the group 'Sundry Creditors Field Staff'.

  • The user will mention the required details as per the requirement.
  • Suppose mention the M.R. name, Address, Mail Id,Phone Number etc (as shown in below image).

  • Now, the user will press 'Ctrl+ W' key to save the details.

  • The user can fill the mentioned fields i.e. how much commission is required to be set for M.R in retailers, stockiest, distributors, and other mentioned fields.
  • Similarly, how much commission the user needs to set on collection and apart from this the user can also set minimum margin limit otherwise the user can also skip this window by pressing 'ESC' key.
  • So, in this way the user can create MR in the software.

Process to Set M.R in Parties in Marg ERP Software

  • Go to Masters > Marg Setups > Control Room.

  • The user will select ‘Search in all’.

  • The user will search 'Salesman' and click on 'Accept' button.

  • In 'M.R/Rout/Area wise reports required' option, the user will select 'Y'.

In 'M.R from-Master/Direct/Loop/Blank/series/Direct' option the user will select option as per the requirement.

a. M: If the M.R. is 'fixed' means if the salesman/M.R visits to a particular area for collection and marketing or a fixed M.R is being assigned for a particular party then the user can set Master through which the software will auto pick the M.R. from masters itself.

b. D: If the user set 'Direct' then while creating the Party’s Ledger the user can enable the M.R fields from here and can select the M.R. as per the requirement.

Now, the user needs to set M.R. in selected Party.

  • Go to Masters > Ledger Master > Ledger > Modify Ledger. 

  • The user will press 'Enter' key on the particular Ledger in which M.R. needs to be set.
  • Suppose select 'Ahuja Medicine Centre'.

  • The user will select 'Ledger Detail'.

  • The user will click on 'Modify' button.

  • In 'M.R.' option, the user will select 'No'.

  • The user will select the M.R. Name which needs to be set for that party.
  • Suppose select 'Ram Avtar'.

  • Now, the user will press 'Ctrl+W' key to save the details.

  • Now, Go to Transactions > Sale> Bill.

  • The user will enter 'Date' as per the requirement.
  • Suppose mention '1-12-2024'.

  • The user will select the ledger in which MR is selected.
  • Suppose select 'Ahuja Medicine Centre'.


  • The user can view M.R. has been auto picked by the Software (as shown in below image).

c. L: If select 'Loop' then at the time of bill creation the user can select the salesman means M.R. for the respective parties as per the requirement.

Suppose select 'L'.

  • Press 'ESC' key twice and click on 'Yes' to the save change.

Now, the user will create the Sale Bill.

  • Go to Transactions > Sale> Bill.

  • The user will enter the 'Date' as per the requirement.
  • Suppose mention '1-12-2024'.

  • The user will select the ledger.
  • Suppose select 'Ahuja Medicine Centre'.

  • The cursor will wait to the MR field and the user will press 'Tab' key to select the M.R.

  • The user will select the MR as per the requirement.

After following the above steps, the user can manage Salesman in Marg ERP Software.

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