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If Item Cost not generate Appropriate in Item or Batch Master then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?


  • Go to Reports > Management Report > Utilities > Re-posting > Cost Re posting for G.P.Reports.

  • A 'Cost Re-Posting for G.P Reports' window will be appear.
  • In 'Cost Re -posting from' the user will select 'Batch File/Mater File' as per the retirement .
  • Suppose select 'Batch File'.

  • In 'Cost Re-Posting Rate' the user will select 'Cost+Ext,Purchase rate etc.' as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'Cost+Ext.'.

  • Then the user will type 'SURE'. Press 'Enter' key.

After following the above steps , the cost will get update in All the Batches of Item in Marg Software.

Note : The user needs to Resave all Purchase & Sale Bills



1. Go to Master > Marg Setup > Control Room.

2. A 'Control Room' window will appear.

3. The user will select ‘Search in All’. Press 'Enter' key.

5. The user will search '2nd'. Now click on ‘Accept’.

6. A '2ND' window will appear.

7. In ‘Show 2nd Margin on [Rate-F use for 2nd Cost', the user will select 'Y'.

8. The user will now press 'ESC' key twice .

9. Then click on ‘Yes’ to Save changes.



This issue appears if the user has mentioned Land Cost in the itemThis option enables to increase the costing. Land Cost is used at the time of purchase of products and has no effect on the bill value. 

In order to disable the land cost, the user needs to follow the below steps:

1. Go to Master > Marg Setup > Control Room.

2. A 'Control Room' window will appear.

3. The user will select ‘Search in All’. Press 'Enter' key.

5. The user will search 'Land Cost'. Now click on ‘Accept’.

6. A 'Land Cost' window will appear.

7. In ‘Cost B-ALL Y-Pur.Bill E-PerEnt P-PymtRcpt: A-Claim C/c-CashRet', the user will select 'N'.

8. In 'Land Cost 2nd A-ALL B-Purchase Bill X-No', the user will select 'X'.

9. The user will now press 'ESC' key twice .

9. Then click on ‘Yes’ to Save changes.

After following the above Steps, the Cost of Item will get generated properly in Marg Software.


1. Go to Master > Inventory Master > Item Master.

2. An 'Items' window will appear where the user will Press 'F4' key on Selected item in which Show double cost .

3. Click on 'Register'  > Feed Date range as per the requirement > select 'Ledger'.

4. The user will Press 'Enter' key on purchase Entry.

5. Click on 'Modify' > Save Bill by 'Tab' key > Remove the Land Cost .

6. Then press 'Ctrl+W' key to Save the bill .

After following the above steps, the Item cost will show proper in Item.  

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