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How to view Purchase Tax Register in Mandi Trade of Marg Software ?


  • Go to Daily Reports > Mandi Reports > Mandi Tax Register.

  • A 'Mandi Tax Register' windowwill appear.
  • In 'For', the user will select 'Purchase'.

  • In 'Type', the user will select 'Detailed/Summary/Daytotal' as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'Detailed'.

c. From: The user will mention the date from which report needs to be view.

d. To: The user will mention the date upto which report needs to be view.

e. From No.: The user will mention the Bill no from which report needs to be view.

f. To No.: The user will mention the Bill no upto which report needs to be view.

g. Total: The user will select the option on which basis total needs to be view.

h. Filter: The user will select 'Transaction/All' as per the requirement.

The user will press 'Enter' key.

  • Now the user will select 'View/Print/Excel' as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'View'.

After follwoing the above steps, the user can view Purchase Register will get generate in Mandi Trade of Marg Software.

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