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What is the process of offline Re-registration in Marg software?



Overview & Need for Marg ERP Licence Re-Registration

Process of Marg ERP Licence Re-Registration through Software


  • The user whenever formats the system without surrendering the license or changes the Hard disk of the system or the system only then the software gets unregistered.
  • So, in this case the user needs to re-register the Software for operating Marg Software.


  • Go to Masters > Marg Licensing > Registration. 

  • A 'Registration' window will appear.
  • Now the user will feed all the necessary details i.e. mobile number, email id, address etc.
  • Click on 'Save in File'.

Note: The user must have registered with at least one from email id and mobile number However, if both the email id and mobile number is not registered with the licence then the user needs to contact with service provider.

  • A 'Select Directory' window will appear.
  • The user will select the path where the user needs to save the licence details.

  • Now an alert window of 'Licence Information file saved' will appear.
  • The user will click on 'OK'.

After saving the file user needs to upload the saved licence file on the website along withsome licence details i.e. registered mobile number & Licence number.

Note: If there is no internet connectivity on the PC on which the Marg software is registered then user can also transfer the saved licence file into the pen drive then can complete the further process on that PC which contains the internet services.

For the further process user needs to follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Go to Log in section. Here few options will be shown in this Drop down, where the user will click on 'Marg Registration'.

  • Now the user will click on 'Online Registration'.

  • An Online Registration window will appear.
  • In 'Choose File', the user will select the saved file.

  • An 'Open' window will appear.
  • The user will select the file which were saved by the user.


  • In 'Enter Code', the user will enter the captcha code which is displaying on the website.
  • Then click on 'Submit'.

  • Now in next window, the user will feed the licence number and registered mobile number.
  • Then click on 'Submit'.

Note: Once the process will get done then user needs to get approval from his/her service provider to receive the licence file of updated licence details.

Thereafter, the user will receive a Licence file on the Registered Mail id, the user needs to just updated licence file in Marg folder or user can download the licence through the software.

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