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How to download Licence file in Marg Software ?



In Marg ERP Software , the user needs to update licence file after done Registration process & Renewal etc. To download licence file, the user will follow the below steps:

  • Go to Master > Marg Licencing Download licence.

  • An alert of 'Are you sure, Want to download licence from server?' will appear in which the user will click on 'Yes' to download licence.

  • A 'Download Licence' window will appear in which the user can view the licence number of the Marg software then press 'Enter' key on it.

  • Thereafter the software will start download licence from server.

  • Now, an alert of 'Congratulation, Licence Successfully download' will appear in which user will click on 'Ok'.

After following the above steps, the user can download licence file in Marg Software.

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