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How to Add Brand in Marg Mart Website ?



In Marg Mart Website, the user can maintain Item Brand with their logo or image.

In order to Add Brand the user needs to follow the below steps:

Note: The Brand will get auto-import with Item. In case, any Brand is not mentioned in any Item then the user can directly Add it in Marg Mart.

  • The user will click on 'Catalog' menu.

  • Now select 'Brand' Tab.

  • The user will click on 'Add Brand' to add item brand.

  • In 'Brand Name' option, the user will mention the brand name as per the requirement.
  • Suppose mention 'Ranbaxy'.

  • Now the user will click on 'Upload Pic' button to upload brand image as per the requirement.

  • An open window will appear where the user will select the directory of image.
  • The user will select the image and click on 'Open' button.

In 'Status' option, the user will select option as per the requirement.

a. Enabled: Select the option if needs to display Barnd on Website.

b. Disabled: Select the option if don't want to display Barnd on Website.

Suppose select 'Enabled'.

  • Now the user will click on 'Save' button.

  • The user can view Brand will get Add.

  • With the help of 'Status' option, the user can Active/Inactive the particular Brand on the company Website.

  • Click on 'Edit' icon to edit the Brand details.

  • If the user needs to Delete the particular Brand, click on 'Trash' icon (as shown below image).

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