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How to delete All Non Working items in Marg Software ?



Marg Software has a provision of Multi Deletion a very beneficial feature in which the users can delete companies and items which are not required in future i.e. the purchase and sales of products is not being done since 6 months or more.

Note: The user can delete those Items through non-working items option with which the transactions is not being done for more than 6 months.

In order to delete non working item, the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • Go to Reports > Management Reports > Utilities > Multi Deletion > Company & Non  working items.

  • A 'Company & Non Working Items' window will appear.
  • In 'Check Last Year' option, the user will select 'Yes' if needs to delete last year non working  item otherwise keep it as 'No'.
  • Then type 'SURE'. Press 'Enter' key.

  • Now, the user will press 'Spacebar' key to select a item to delete or press (*) key to delete all items.

After following the above steps, the Non working items will get delete in the Marg Software.

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