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How to generate Rate-B on same as MRP in all items ?



1. Go to Reports > Management Report > Utilities > Multi Editing > Item Master Multi Editing. Press Enter.

2. An Item master multi editing window will appear. Click on Accept.

3. A Closing stock window will appear in which user will press enter key.

4. Thereafter, a Multi editing window will appear. Select 'All Item'.

5. Then, again a Item master multi editing window will appear. In 3rd 'Replace' option, the user will select "Yes".

6. In 'Replace' option, the user will select "B-Rate" & in 'With' option, the user will select "M.R.P.".

7. Then type 'SURE' and press enter on it.

After following the above steps, the Rate- B will be update same as MRP in all items.

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