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How to Generate Barcode in All Items in Marg Software ?


  • Go to Report > Management Report > Multi Editing > Item Master Multi Editing.

  • In 'Stock Status' option, the user will select 'Whole'.

  • Click on 'Accept'.

  • Now the user will press 'Enter' key.

  • The user will select 'All Items'.

In 'Generate Barcode A-All Y-Blank Mst. & Batch' option, as per the requirement.

a. A-All: Select the option if needed to generate a barcode for all items.

b. Y-Blank Mst. & Batch: Select the option if needed to generate a barcode only for those items whose barcode field is blank.

Suppose select 'Yes'.

  • Now the user will mention the first barcode number.
  • Suppose mention '101001'

  • Thereafter, type 'SURE'.

After following the above steps, the user can view Barcode will get generated in All Item in Marg Software.

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