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If tax is showing in all bills when the company type is Composition then what we can do?



Note: At the time of selecting Multi Changes in the Old Bill software an error displays 'You are not authorized to use this option'.Then user will click on the given link https://bit.ly/3cFCn9D.

1. Go to Reports > Management Reports > Utilities > Multi Editing > Multi Changes in old bills.

2. A multi transfer window will appears.In 'Type' set "Sale,Purchase,Sale return etc' as per the requirement.Feed date range.Click on Accept.

3. Aselected date all entries will appear.Select entry by pressing space bar or Plus(+) key & press (*)key for all entries selection.

4. Now,press "F6" function key.

5. A Be careful ! window will appears.Press enter on Change With Current Tax.

6. In the next window user will type SURE.

After following the above steps all bills are getting re-save for the changes.

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