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How to view Account Group-wise Trail Balance in Marg Software?


  • Go to Books > Multi Printing > Trial Balance Printing.

  • A 'Select Group' window will appear.
  • The user will select a group by pressing 'Spacebar' key.
  • Suppose select 'Sundry Debtors'.


Note: The user will Press 'Spacebar' key or Plus '+' key to select a particular group or Press Asterisk '*' key to select All groups

A 'Selection' window will appear.

1. Index On: Select the field on which the printing is to be done. Suppose, select ‘Ledger’.

2. Closing Balance: Select whether to print the close balance as per the requirement from the dropdown. Suppose, select ‘All’.

3. Selected Station: Select whether to print the station or not. Suppose, select ‘N’.

4. Selected Area: Select whether to print the area or not. Suppose, select ‘N’.

5. Selected M.R.: Select whether to print the M.R. or not. Suppose, select ‘N’.

6. Selected Route: Select whether to print the Route or not. Suppose, select ‘N’.

7. Upto Date: Enter the date up to when the user wants to print the trial balances.

8. Cash Balance: Select whether to print the Cash balance as per the requirement from the dropdown. Suppose, select ‘No’.

9. Challans: Select whether to print challans or not. Suppose, select ‘No’.

Now the user will click on ‘Accept.


A 'Selection' window will appear.

1. From (A-Z): Enter the alphabet from which alphabet the ledger needs to be view.

2. To (A-Z): Enter the alphabet upto which alphabet the ledger needs to be view.

3. Debtors/ Creditors: Select whether to include Debtors/Creditors or not.

Suppose select 'Yes'.

Now the user will click on 'Accept'.

  • A 'Trial Printing' window will appear. Press 'Alt+P' key.

A 'Print Trial' window will appear.

1. Without Opening: Select whether to print with or without opening balance. Suppose, select ‘Y’.

2. Print Due Details: Select whether or not to print due details. Suppose, select ‘N’.

3. Print Contact Details: Select whether or not to print contact details. Suppose, select ‘N’.

Now, the user will click on ‘View/Print' as per the requirement.

Suppose click on 'View'.

After following the above steps, the user can view the Account Group-wise Trail Balance.


1. Go to Final Reports > Trial Balance.

2. A 'Trial Balance' window will appear. Press 'Alt+P' key.

3. A 'Trail Printing' window will appear. In 'A/C Group Wise', the user will select 'Yes'.

4. The user will select other options as per the requirement.

4. Now, the user will click on 'View/Excel/Print' as per the requirement.

After following the above steps group wise trail balance report gets generated.

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