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How to create Patient Master in OPD Management Setup of Marg Software ?


  • Go to Accounts > OPD Management.

  • A ‘Main Menu’ window will appear.
  • The user will select the ‘Patient Master’.

A ‘Patient Details’ window will appear.

a. Patient Name: The user will mention the Patient’s Name.

b. Date of Reg.: The user will mention the Date of Registration of the Patient.

c. Address: The user will mention the Address of the Patient.

d. Id Number: The user will mention the Id Number of the Patient.

e. Age: The user will mention the Age of the Patient.

f. Gender: The user will mention the Gender of the Patient.

g. Telephone no.: The user will mention the Telephone No. of the Patient.

h. DOB: The user will mention the Date of Birth of the Patient.

i. Mobile No.: The user will mention the Mobile number of the Patient.

j. Income: The user will mention Income of the Patient.

k. Picture: The user will add the image of the Patient.

  • Now, the user will click on ‘New Appointment’.

A ‘Appointment Details’ window will appear.

a. Appointment Date: Enter the date on which patient neeeds appointment.

b. Today: The software will auto pick the current date.

c. Time: The software will auto pick the current time.

d. Doctor Name: Select the doctor’s name with whom the appointment needs to be book.

e. Time Preferred: Select the time preferred by the doctor.

f. Patient Time: Mention the time at which the patient will be available.

g. Payment Mode: Select the option by which mode patient will pay the fees.

h. Consultation Fee: The software will auto pick the consultation fee according to the selected doctor.

i. Appointment No.: The software will auto pick the Appointment No.

j. Primary Symptoms: Mention the patient symptoms.

Then the user will click on ‘Okay’.

  • Now the user will click on 'Save' button.

After following the above steps, the user can create Patient Master in OPD Managemet of Marg Software.

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