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How to set Operator Working Time in Marg ERP Software ?



With the help of Marg ERP Software, the user can easily set the billing time of the users.

Suppose the user have two operators ‘A’ and ‘B’ and the working time of user ‘A’ is 9:30 am to 18:30 pm, while the timings of user ‘B’ is 5 pm to 11 pm. Therefore, in this case user can easily mention it in the software and users can work only in the defined time.

  • Go to  Masters > Passwords & Powers > Operator's Billing Timings

  • The user will press 'Enter' key on the selected user whose billing has been stopped.
  • Suppose enter on '001'.

  • The user will select the particular operator and mention the 'Start' time of the billing as per the requirement.

Note: The timing should be in 24-hrs format.

  • Suppose mention 9:50.

  • Now, mention the timing when the working of the user needs to be stopped.
  • Suppose mention '18:30'.

  • In 'Type' option, the user will select 'Follow'.

  • The user will press 'ESC' key to Exit the window.

After following the above step, the user can view that Operator Working Time will set for the user and Software will not allow user to do billing after the mentioned time in Marg ERP Software.

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