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How to Freez Back Date for Contra in Marg Software ?


  • Go to Masters > Passwords & Powers > Freez Data.

  • A 'Freez Data' window will appear.
  • The user can view Last date for Contra Entry is '01-08-2023' (It will get auto pick by the software). 
  • In 'Auto Freez Back Date', the user needs to mention the number of days for which Data needs to be Freez. 
  • Suppose mention '1'.

Note: ‘Auto Freez’ option will only work on ‘Back date’ i.e. the user can only modify those bills which have been created before mentioned days i.e. 1 days of last invoice date.

  • The user will click on 'Accept'.

  • The user can view '01-08-2023' data can be modify.

  • The software will not allow to modify for '31-07-2023' a day before '01-09-2023', the software will give alert of 'Contra Freez upto: 31-07-2023'.

After following the above steps, the user can Freez Back Date for Contra in Marg Software.

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