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What is the process of Advance Auto Freeze Option in Marg Software?



Overview/Introduction to Auto Freeze Option in Marg ERP Software

Process of Auto Freeze Option in Marg ERP Software


  • Usually, the data maintained on quarterly basis and after finalization i.e. when the payment is being received from all the parties, the user usually freezes that data so that no changes or deletion can be done further.
  • This results to freezing all the modules till the particular date i.e., Sale, Purchase, Payment, Receipt, etc.
  • With the help of the option “Advance Auto Freeze” in Marg ERP Software, the user can freeze only a particular module as per own requirement.


  • Firstly, Go to Masters >> Passwords & Powers >> Freeze Data.

  • A 'Freeze Data' window will appear with different options:


All: If the user enters the freeze date in type “All” then all the types will get freeze i.e. Sale, Purchase, D/Note, C/Note, Receipt, Payment, Journal and Contra.

  • If the user requires to freeze a particular type for e.g. SALE; then the user will simply enter the freeze date in Sale Type (Once the data get freezes then neither the user or supervisor can do the modifications in it)

Last Date:

  • This displays the last date of the transactions to the user which is being already done. 

Auto Freeze Back Date

Here, the software asks that how many days back the user requires to freeze the data. Suppose the user enters 3 Days for Sale Type. The last transaction for Sale bill is 20th Feb 2018 as shown below and 3 days has been set here already.

  • This means that the user can modify the sale bill for 18th, 19th and 20th Feb 2018 dates and will not be able to modify the sale bill before 18th Feb 2018.

**If the user enters the freeze date and also enters the Auto Freeze Back Date then the data will get freeze according to the condition which will be true first**

  • So, in this case the condition of Auto Freeze Back Date is true.

Effect of Auto Freeze Back Date on Bill

  • Firstly, click on “Accept”.

  • Then the user will modify the sale bill. For that go to Transactions >> Sale >> Modify Bill.

  • The user will modify the Sale Bill for example 20th Feb 2018 (as shown below).

Fig. 1 Process to Modify the Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

Fig. 1.1 Process to Modify the Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

  • Similarly, the user can also view that the sale bill for 19th and 18th Feb 2018 can also be modified. (as shown below)

Fig. 1.3 Process to Modify the Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

  • If the user tries to modify the Sale Bill for 17th Feb 2018 then it cannot be done (as shown below). The software will display a message that “Sale Freeze up to 17th Feb 2018”.

Fig. 1.4 Process to Modify the Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

Fig. 1.5 Process to Modify the Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

Date Jump Forward Date:

  • Sometimes the operator generates the Bills in future date. So, the user can specify that for how many more days the bill can be generated from the last transaction date.
  • Like, the date of the last transaction of the bill is 20th Feb 2018 and the user enters 2 days in Date Jump Forward Date. Click on “Accept”.

  • Now, suppose the user generates the sale bill for 23rd Feb 2018. Here, the software will not allow or give access to generate the sale bill. So, the user can specify that the operator can generate bills for how many more days in the future date.

Fig. 1.6 Process to Generate the Sale Bill in Marg ERP Software

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