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How to Load bills at the time of creating PDC Cheque/ Cash entry in Marg Software?


  • Go to Accounts >> P.D.Cheques/Cash (ALT+Q).

  • A 'Pdc/Cash: Entry No.' window will appear.
  • The user will feed the 'Entry Date' of the Pdc Entry.

  • Now the user will press 'F2' key on the 'Bill No.' field.  

  • A 'Load Bills' window will appear.
  • Feed the date range of the bills from which date to which the bills needs to be loaded and select other option as per the user requirement.
  • Then click on 'Accept'.

After following the above steps, the selected date range bills will get loaded at the time of  PDC Cheque/ Cash entry in Marg Software.

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