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How to create Retail Price Diff. credit note for sale ?



Credit Note for sale:  If mistakenly we have sold the item more then the actual price and we want to adjust that amount then will select credit note for that.

1. Go to Transactions > Price Diff. Sale > Credit Note. Press Enter.

2. A Credit note window will appear in which user will select Retail.

3. A sale price difference credit note entry window will appear in which user will enter date then press enter and select ledger of party from ledgers .

  • In 'Mobile', the user will enter the mobile no. of the customer.
  • In 'Name', the user will enter the name of the customer.
  • In 'Address', the user will enter the address of the customer.

4. bill detail window will appear if you remember the credit note number then enter that number here or press esc key on it.

5. Then press enter and select item and enter qty.

6. Now there is a window that will appear at the bottom with mentioned old rate and new rate field. In Old Rate field we will enter the figure in which we sold the item and in New rate enter the actual figure.

7. After mentioned the old rate and new rate then the diff of old rate and new rate will appear in rate column.

8. Then the press Ctrl+W at the end of the items to save changes.

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