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How to create Price Difference Debit Note for Sale in Marg Software ?



Overview Of Price Difference Debit Note For Sale

Process To Create Price Difference Debit Note For Sale In Marg ERP Software

Overview Of Price Difference Debit Note For Sale

  • In Marg ERP Software, the user can easily create the Price difference Debit Note transaction for sale.
  • It is used to Increase the price on sale when the product is sold to the customer/party at a Lower price.

Process To Create Price Difference Debit Note For Sale In Marg ERP Software

Suppose, the shopkeeper sold Acnederm Lot in Rs 100 instead of Rs 110, therefore in this case the shopkeeper needs to issue the price difference Debit note to the customer of Rs 10 to create the proper outstanding of the customer.

  • Go to Transactions > Price Diff. Sale > Debit Note. 

  • In 'Date' field, the user will mention the date on which the debit note needs to be issued.
  • Suppose mention '31-03-2024'.

  • Now the user will select the party as per the requirement.

In 'Return of Bills', the user will select the option as per the requirement.

a. Multiple: Select when the multiple bills of the selected party need to be adjusted in the same bill.

b. Separate: Select when the user needs to create the separate transaction for the multiple items of the multiple bills.

c. Bill-by-Bill: Select when the price difference credit note needs to be created against any particular sale bill.

Suppose select ‘Bill-by-Bill.

  • In 'C/Note of Bill', the user will mention the sale bill number against which the transaction needs to be created.
  • Or press 'DownArrow' key to auto pick last created sale BIll.

  • In 'Reason' field, the user will mention the reason for creating the Price Difference Debit Note as per the requirement.
  • Keep pressing 'Enter' key.

  • Now the user will press '+' key to select the item and press 'Enter' key.

  • Thereafter, the item will get loaded, place the cursor on the item and keep pressing 'Enter' key.

  • The software will auto-pick the old rate of the item on which the sale bill was created.
  • Press 'Enter' key.

  • In 'New Rate' field, the user will mention the correct rate.

  • The user can also update the Old and New MRP of the item as per the requirement or skip it.

  • The user can view the difference between the old rate and the New Rate will get auto-pick in the item.

  • Now the user will press 'Ctrl+W' key and click on 'Yes' to save changes.

After following the above steps, the user can create Price difference Debit Note for Sale in Marg Software.

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