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How to resolve the mismatch between Profit & Loss Sale and Sale Book in Marg Software ?




  • Improper indexing of database files.
  • Date range of the reports does not match.
  • Accounting basis of the reports does not match.


 Case 1:Improper indexing of database files.

  • For proper indexing of database files, the user needs to  Run Error Checking  by clicking on the given link.

Case 2: Date range of the reports does not match

  • Select same date range in both the reports and then view the report.

Case 3:  Accounting basis of the reports does not match

  • Accounting basis may include wrong selection of under group in sale type, taxes etc.
  • It also includes the effect of ### item.

For example: If the user has created the sale bill with extra charges i.e. freight charges, packing charges, etc under direct or indirect expense group then it will have an effect on the sale book but not in Profit & Loss A/c as it will partially have an effect in sale ledger as well as in expense ledger.

Suppose user has created bill with freight charges i.e. Rs 470.50. 

In Consolidated Sales Book, the taxable sales value is Rs 7503.29 which include freight charges of Rs 470.50.

  • In Profit & Loss statement the taxable sale value will show of Rs 7032.99 instead of Rs 7503.29.

Note: Rs 7032.99 of taxable sale value + Rs 470.84 of direct expense makes the total value of Rs 7503.29.

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