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How to view Purchase Rate Comparison Report in Marg Software ?


  • Go to Reports > Purchase Analysis > Misc.Purchase Report > Rate Comparison Statement.

A 'Rate Comparison' window will appear.

a. From-To: The user will feed the date range from which date till which date report needs to be view.

b. Index On: The user will select the option on which bases report needs to be index i.e, Date, party, Area as per the requirements.

c. Total Party/Area/Day: The user will set option 'Yes' to view report with total party/area/day as per the requirement.

d. With Challan: The user will set option 'Yes' to view report with challans otherwise keep the option as 'No'

e. Bills/Det/Day/Item Summ.: The user will select the option on which bases report needs to be generated.

f. All/Differnece/Rate Dif: The user will select the option on which Rates bases the report needs to be view.

g. Rate Compare With: The user will select the option on which Rates bases comparison in report needs to be view.

h. Operator Name: If the user is working in Multi user environment so here user can select the user name for which the user needs to generate the report.

i. Terminal: The user will mention System name from which system report needs to be view.

j. Order from App/Non-App: The user will set option if Order app/Non app record needs to be view.

k. Stock Add: The user will select option 'Yes' to view report with Stock Receive, otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

l. Selected Company: The user will set 'Yes' to view particular company wise report, otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

m. More Item Selection: The user will set 'Yes' to select More Items, otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

n. Selected Station: The user will set 'Yes' to view particular station wise report, otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

o. Selected Area: The user will set 'Yes' to view particular Area wise report, otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

p. Selected M.R: The user will set 'Yes' to view particular M.R wise report, otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

q. Selected Route: The user will set 'Yes' to view particular Route wise report, otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

r. Selected Party: The user will set 'Yes' to view particular Party Wise report, otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

s. Print Separate: The user will set 'Yes' to print report in separate column wise, otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

Then Click on 'View/Print' as per the requirement. 

Suppose click on 'View'.

After following the above steps, the user can view Purchase Rate Comparison report will get generate in Marg Software.


1. Go to Daily Reports > Daily Working > Rate Comparison Statement.

2. A 'Rate Comparison Statement' window will appear.

a. Comparison to Rate : Select Rate whose comparison needs to be made.

b. Comparison with Rate : Select Rate with which the comparison needs to be made.

c. Check For : Select ( >, <, >=, = ) as per requirement. 

3. Then click on 'View'.

After following the above steps, the Rate Comparison Statement will get generated.

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