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How to view Company wise Party Monthly Purchase Report in Marg Software ?



In Marg Software, if the user needs to view the Company wise Purchase of party for each month separately then it can can be view the help of this report.

In order to view Company wise Party Monthly Purchase Report, the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • Go to Reports > Purchase Analysis > Company Wise Purchase > Party/Month Wise.

  • A 'Company' window will appear.
  • The user will select Company as per the requirement and press 'Enter' key on it.
  • Suppose select 'E.Merk PVT.LTD.'.

A 'Party/Month Wise' window will appear.

a. From: Select the date from which the user needs to view the Company wise Party Monthly Purchase Report.

b. To: Select the date upto which the user needs to view the Company wise Party Monthly Purchase Report.

c. Operator NameIf working in multi user environment so select the user name for which report needs to be generate.

d. 80 Column/132 Column Paper: The user will set column as per the requirement.

e. Stock less:  Select option as per the requirement.

No: Select if the user needs to view the report without stock receive transaction.

Yes: Select if the user needs to view the report with stock receive transaction.

Only: Select only if the user needs to view the stock receive report only.

f. Challan: If the user needs to include the challan select 'Yes' otherwise keep it as ‘No’.

g. Value in Rs./Thousands/LakhsSelect the option to view the Value in Rs./Thousand/Lakhs.

h. Amt=Rate*Qty,Net,R*Qt-Disc.= The user will select option on which Rate bases report needs to view.

i.  All/Selected Company: Select 'S' to view report of Selected company otherwise keep the option as 'A' to view All company.

j. Terminal: If working in multi user environment so the user can mention the Terminal/System Name for which report needs to be generate.

k. Order from App/Non AppThe user can include sale order from app and non app.

l. Value in Decimal: The user will select 'Yes' to view Value in decimal otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

m. Last Year Comparison: Select 'Yes' to view report with Last Year Transaction otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

n. More Item SelectionIf the user needs to select more filter then select 'Yes' otherwise keep it as ‘No’.

o. Selected CompanyIf the user needs to view the report of any specific company then select ‘Yes' so it will asking to select the specific company.

p. Selected StationIf the user needs to view report of any specific station then select 'Yes' so it will asking to select the specific station.  

q. Selected AreaIf the user needs to view report of any specific area then select 'Yes' so it will ask to select the specific area.

r. Selected M.RIf the user needs to view report of any specific m.r then select ‘Yes' so it will ask to select the specific m.r.

s. Selected RouteIf the user needs to view report of any specific route then select 'Yes' so it will ask to select the specific route.

Click on 'View/Print' as per the requirement.

Suppose click on 'View'.

After following the above steps, the user can view Company Wise Party Monthly Purchase Report will get generate in Marg Software.

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