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How to view Purchase Register in Marg Software ?



Overview of Purchase Register Option in Marg ERP Software

Process to View Purchase Register in Marg ERP Software

Shortcut Keys to View Purchase Register in Marg ERP Software


Purchase Register option in Marg ERP Software facilitates the user in viewing or printing all the purchase transactions that have taken place between an organization and its suppliers.


  • Go to Books >> Purchase Register. Press Enter.

  • A “Purchase Account” window will appear where the user can view all the Purchase transactions that have taken place.

  • If the user needs to view the further details of the purchase transactions for any month then press enter on that month. (Suppose, August 2017)

  • Now, again if the user needs to view the further details of the Purchase Account, so select the Purchase Account (E.g. Purchase Central).Then Press enter and it will display all Purchase tax type/Purchase Central Type.

Fig. 1.1 Process to View Details of Purchase Account in Marg ERP Software

  • Suppose, select the Purchase Type “GST Purchase Central 12%” and then press enter. 

  • As the user will select the Purchase percentage, a “Ledger Display” window will appear where:
  • Specify the dates i.e. from which date till which date the user needs to view the purchase details of the selected Purchase Central i.e. GST Purchase Central 12%(Suppose, 1st August 2017 to 31st August 2017). 

  • Ledger: If the user will click on “Ledger” then the details of the Purchase Central ledger will appear i.e. GST Purchase Central 12%.

  • The user can view all the purchase details of the selected Purchase Central i.e. GST Purchase Central 12%. 

  • In order to view/modify any purchase transaction, then press enter on that particular transaction. It could further be seen whether the purchase was made through a local or central dealer.

  • Monthly: If the user will click “Monthly” then the user can view the purchase details of the selected Purchase Central i.e. GST Purchase Central 12% on monthly basis

  • The user can view all the purchase details of the selected Purchase Central i.e. GST Purchase Central 12% on Monthly Basis.

  • Daily: If the user will click “Daily” then the user can view all the purchase details of the selected Purchase Central i.e. GST Purchase Central 12% on daily basis

  • The user can view all the purchase details of the selected Purchase Central i.e. GST Purchase Central 12% on Daily Basis

  • Summary: If the user will click “Summary” then the user can view all the purchase details of the selected Purchase Central i.e. GST Purchase Central 12% in a summarized manner.

  • A “Select Type” window will appear where the user will select the options as per their requirement which needs to be viewed and then click on “Accept”

  • The user can now view all the purchase details of the selected Purchase Central i.e. GST Purchase Central 12% in a summarized manner

Fig. 1.2 Process to View Summary of Purchase Details in Marg ERP Software

Fig. 1.3 Process to View Summary of Purchase Details in Marg ERP Software

  • Now, if the user needs to view the further details of the report, then press enter on it(Suppose, “Sundry Creditors (Suppliers)”)

  • If the user needs to take the print out of the Purchase Account, then press “ALT+P” key.

  • Select the “From Month” i.e. from which month the user needs to view the Purchase Account. (Suppose, July)

  • Select the “To Month” i.e. till which month the user needs to view the Purchase Account. (Suppose, September)

  • Then click on “View".

Fig. 1.4 Process to View Print Preview of Purchase Account in Marg ERP Software


Apart from it, there are some shortcut keys for viewing the Purchase Register i.e.

  • D- Day Wise Summary of Purchase Account. This splits the monthly transaction details into daily transactions.
  • F3- Print Purchase Register.
  • F5- View Purchase Ledgers i.e. to view the details according to a ledger account
  • F6- View Purchase Register for a specified Date Range.
  • CTRL+F1- View Account/Voucher Summary Group Wise

1. Go to Books > Purchase Register.

2. A 'Purchase Account' window will appear where the user will press 'F3' key.

3. Now the user will select 'Summary' or 'Register' as per the requirement.

4. The user will select the option as per the requirement.

5. Click on 'View/Print/Excel as per the requirement.

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