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How to view Month wise Purchase Summary in Marg Software?



With the help of Marg ERP software, the user can easily view the report of month wise purchase summary, which facilitates the user to view the purchase report of each month separately. 

Also, with the help of this report user can easily analyse the report of purchase and proceed towards the next step accordingly.

In order to view the report, follow the given steps:

  • Go to Daily Reports > Purchase Report > Month Wise Summary.

  • A Month wise Summary window will appear.

a. Stock Add: If the user needs to view the report with the Stock Receive entries then select 'Yes', otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

b. Challan: If the user needs to view the report with the challan entries then select 'Yes', otherwise keep the option as 'No'.

c. Report For: Select the nature of the transaction for which the report needs to be viewed.

d. From & To: The user will mention the period from which to which the report needs to be viewed.

f. Cash/Cr/Disc: The user will select either the cash or credit transaction needs to be viewed in report.

Click on 'View'.

After following the above steps, the month wise purchase summary report will get generated.

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