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How to create Purchase Return Challan in Marg Software ?


  • Go to Transactions > Purchase Return > Challan.

  • In 'Date' option the user will mention the Date as per the requirement.
  • Suppose mention '31-08-2024'.

  • Now the user will select the party as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'Marg'.

  • In 'Party Number', the user needs to feed the party number as per the requirement.

a. Save Company wise: Select the option 'Yes' if needed to save entry company wise otherwise keep it as 'No'.

a. Batch Selection: Select the option to set the batch selection process.

b. Return of Bills: Select the option as per the requirement.

Multiple: Select the option if need to create a single sale return entry of multiple items of different bills.

Separate: Select the option if need to create a single sale return entry of multiple items of different bills and needs to save it separately as per the bill number.

Bill by Bill: Select the option if need to create a single sale return entry against a single bill.

c. Return of Bill: Mention the bill number against which the goods have been received by the user or simply press 'PageDown' key.

d. Date: The Software will automatically pick the mentioned Bill No. Date.

e. Amount: The Software will automatically pick the mentioned bill Amount.

f. Reason: Mention the reason for the return of goods.

g. Last Bill No.: The Software will automatically pick the last Bill No. No.

h. Last Bill Date: The Software will automatically pick the last Bill No. Date.

i. Last Bill Amount: The Software will automatically pick the last mentioned bill Amount.

j. Calculation Type: The user will select the calculation type as per the requirement.

Press 'Enter' key.

  • The user will press 'Spacebar' key or plus '+' key to select the item that was returned.
  • Press 'Enter' key to load items in the sale return transaction.

  • The user can view items that will get loaded into the bill.

  • Press 'Ctrl+W' key and click on 'Save Bill' to save changes.

After following the above steps, the user can Create Purchase Return Challan in Marg Software.

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