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If Company Name print as Heading in Sale Bill but it overwrites on Serial Numberย then how to resolve it in Marg ERP Software ?


  • Firstly, go to Masters > MARG Setups > Self Format.

  • A 'Self Format' window will appear. The user will now enter the password.

  • The user will select 'Invoice Format - GUI'.

  • In ‘Format’ fieldenter the name of the format.
  • Suppose, Enter 'AC' and press 'Enter' key thrice.

  • The user will now select ‘Page Settings’.

  • Click on 'Next' button.

  • The user will search 'Remark' and click on 'Accept' button.

  • In 'Remark,Company,Orders/Adjustment/Shortage Headings from column' option, the user can view '200' Characters.

  • The user will remove '200' Characters and enter '50' Characters in the Remark field.

  • Press 'ESC' key thrice.

After following the above steps, the user can resolve the issue if Company Name overwrites on Serial Number in print in Marg ERP Software.

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